In each of us daily life social media becomes a part of life although Hide likes on Instagram. Daily make of use social platforms to see videos , reels and photos that entertain us a several way. Social media also help us regarding the latest news and updates for time to time.
But there is a bad side effect that we know regarding the recent study showcase and that it also effected our mental health along with self insight. For a example, the recent study discovers the major impact that regarding the Instagram like also have an major impact on our brains.
So today in this article i am gonna tell you several methods that you can apply and hide your likes regarding your Instagram posts.
- The reason why you want to hide your likes on Instagram.
- Methods to hide likes on Instagram.
- Procedure to see your likes on Instagram after hide it.
The reason why you want to hide your likes on Instagram
In a study case where researchers gathered 182 students between the age of 13 to 18 for an experiment.
They split those students in a two groups and give a task to imagine them a situation where one groups off students gets higher likes on their posts and another groups of students got lower likes on their posts. as a outcome of the experiment the groups of students who gets lower like on their posts got depressed and negative sentiments more than positive.
So it was clear that social media likes ,such as Instagram have a major impact on the user’s mental health. As a outcome they become depressed. It is the truth that social media has a bad impact on our mental health. As a user keep your followers to look out our post likes is the way to exit those mental depression.
If you turn off your posts likes after that you get the benefits. likes which comes from social platform has not a major role in each of us daily life. So if you face the problems regarding these things then hide you post likes is a best way to exit the problem.
Methods to hide likes on Instagram
if you want to hide like along with also want to hide other users posts likes which you follow then it is possible.
As a social media user you may also take the responsibility to the young social media users who involved under the matrix and fall in anxiety and depression.
For this problem it is a great setting for those individual who get under the problem. So you encourage them to active this setting . So as a outcome there will have a tendency to less comparison online along with lesser self doubts problems.
1.Procedure to hide likes other Instagram posts
On Instagram make use of this setting if you want to hide other posts like then it is possible and simple. To hide likes other users posts your work is just follow the steps which are mentioned below :
- Step 1 , at first open the Instagram app and then click on the hamburger menu on your profile, then click on the settings.
- Step 2 , After that go to the setting menu and tap to the privacy option.
- Step3 , After enter the privacy menu tap on the posts option.
- Step4, Then, simply on the hide likes and view counts option on.
After complete the process now you cannot see other user’s post’s like.
So, this are the four steps which you can apply and hide likes others Instagram posts.
2.Procedure to hide likes on your Instagram posts before publishing
If you want to hide your Instagram posts like then it is possible and the procedure is straightforward. But there is a condition , regarding your Instagram posts there are no settings that automatically hides your each and every posts likes.
If you want to hide your posts likes then you ought to be required apply the method for each and every individual posts. However if you want then you can make the changes before publishing your posts on Instagram.
To hide likes on your Instagram posts before publishing follow the steps which are mentioned below :
- Step1, At first start to creating a Instagram post. During the time go to the caption, tag products and add a location option click on the Advanced settings.
- Step 2, After tap on the advanced settings then you can see the toggle option then go to the Hide like and view counts on this post to confirm that your Instagram post’s likes are hidden. This feature only hides the videos view counts that you posted on your feed. Still , on Instagram app this option is not available with regard to reels.
- Step 3, After enter the advanced settings if you want then you can make more changes before publish your Instagram post. For Example : Add alt text regarding your Instagram post together with Turn off commenting.
After complete the process right now no one can see your Instagram posts likes which you are published.
So, this are the three steps which you can apply for your each and every individual posts together with hide your Instagram’s posts like and comment before the post published.
3.Procedure to hide likes on your Instagram posts after publish
After created a post unfortunately after published the post you realize that you forget to hide likes with regard to the Instagram post.
So the question was “ Is it possible after published the post can i hide the post’s like?”. Then the answer is yes , after published the post if you want to hide it likes then it is possible.
After publish a Instagram post if you want to hide it likes then just follow the mentioned steps which are given below :
- Step1, At first go head to the post which you are published .To update the post click on the three dots menu icon after that you can access more settings along with preferences.
- Step 2 , After access it , then simply click on Hide like count to confirmed it that no one can see the likes count regarding your Instagram posts.
- Step 3, On Instagram this three dots menu also provides you other features. For example : turn off comments , post to other apps , pin to your profile , remix this photo , turn off remixing.
After complete the procedure no can see the likes with regard to your Instagram post.
So, this are the three steps which you can apply for your each and every individual posts together with hide your Instagram’s posts likes after publish the post.
Procedure to see your likes on Instagram after hide it.
After hide your Instagram posts likes no one can see the likes on your post. Still if you want to see the likes on your post , then there are two methods that you can make use of it to see Your post’s Instagram likes.In addition if you hidden it on your Instagram’s feed.
The first step is access your Instagram posts data inside the inbuilt Instagram Insight.
If you have the Instagram Business account , then you can easily access your analytic by heading on your Instagram account together with click on the Insight Button. BY use of the Instagram Insight you can easily access your Instagram posts like , comments together with reach .
Final Words
So the question is “ Should i hide my Instagram account likes “. Then simply inform you that regarding this question there are no honest answer. After hide the likes on your Instagram accounts post, If you not satisfied with regard to hide your likes.
Then you can make show your posts likes. Still , for you and your mental health we prefer that hide the likes on Instagram is one of the best method that you can apply.
Regarding this topic we informed you each and every methods together with the important details. I hope you understand it and be aware regarding the likes ,follows together with reach which comes through the social plat from.